
To be able to point a custom domain to your Minecraft server, you must first own a domain. We recommend using our domain registrar at: to do this, but there are plenty other alternatives online. In this guide, we will go over using CloudFlare to use a custom domain in Minecraft - the process is roughly the same for all hosts!


Guide using Cloudflare

  1. First, create an account on Cloudflare
  2. Add the site to Cloudflare by following this guide: The site to add is the same as the domain you just purchased.
  3. Head to the DNS tab on Cloudflare:
  4. Press "Add Record" and select:
    - Type: SRV
    - Name: _minecraft._tcp.<your_subdomain>
    - Priority: 10
    - Weight: 10
    - Target: Ask staff for the target via ticket

    And then "Save".
  5. Your Minecraft server should be reachable on the configured address within an hour. It may take a bit of time for it to start working :)