1. Accessing the Game Server Panel

  1. Log In to the Game Server Panel

  2. Navigate to Your Server

    • Once logged in, you will see a list of your servers. Click on the server you want to upload your world to.

2. Preparing Your World Files

  1. Locate Your World Files

    • On your local machine, find the directory containing your Minecraft world files. Typically, this can be found in the .minecraft/saves folder.
  2. Compress Your World Files

    • To make the upload process easier, compress your world folder into a .zip file. Ensure all necessary files and subdirectories are included.

3. Uploading Your World Using the File Manager

  1. Open the File Manager

    • In the Game Server Panel, navigate to the "Files" section for your selected server.
  2. Upload the .zip File

    • Click on the "Upload" button.
    • In the dialog that appears, select the .zip file of your world from your local machine.
    • Wait for the upload to complete. This may take some time depending on the size of your world.
  3. Extract the World Files

    • Once the upload is complete, find the uploaded .zip file in the file manager.
    • Click on the file to select it, then click the "Unarchive" button.
    • Ensure that the files are extracted to the correct directory. You should see your world folder now in the file list.

4. Configuring Your Server to Use the Uploaded World

  1. Set the World in the Server Settings

    • Navigate to the "Startup" section in the Game Server Panel.
    • Locate the server.properties file and click to edit it.
    • Find the line that starts with level-name= and change it to the name of your uploaded world folder (e.g., level-name=MyWorld).
  2. Save and Restart Your Server

    • Save the changes to the server.properties file.
    • Navigate back to the main server page and click on the "Restart" button to apply the changes.

5. Verifying the Upload

  1. Log In to Your Minecraft Server
    • Start your Minecraft game and log in to your server using the provided IP address.
    • Verify that the world has been correctly loaded and all your data is intact.

6. Troubleshooting

  • World Not Loading?

    • Double-check the level-name in the server.properties file.
    • Ensure all files and subdirectories were correctly uploaded and extracted.
  • File Upload Issues?

    • Confirm you are using a stable internet connection.
    • Try uploading smaller parts of your world if the file is too large.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please contact our support team and we'll help you out with getting your world files over. Happy gaming!